Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
Liaison Committee
The general policies of the Alliance not only focus on the promotion of friendship and fraternity among the peoples of America, but also on programs to strengthen the quality of life and human dignity, through education as a vehicle for transformation, the promotion of women's equality and respect and sustainability of the environment, which are part of the inter-American agenda and are common with the objectives of the Organization of American States (OAS)
Since 1999, the OAS has created spaces for the participation of civil society in its activities, through Res CP/RES. 759 Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities, which institutionalizes their participation in the political bodies of the OAS.
In accordance with the Guidelines established in Res. 759, a CSO is “any national or international institution, organization or entity made up of natural or legal persons of a non-governmental nature.”
The Alliance of Pan American Round Tables was accredited by the OAS as a Civil Society Organization in October 2001, with Ms. Lucía Peña de Elías (Fda.) as General Director, benefactor and manager of several Round Tables in the Dominican Republic.
Mrs. Helena Torres Muga. Richards, who was then entrusted with the Presidency of the Liaison Committee with the OAS, obtained for this effort the invaluable support of Dr. Carlos Chiriboga, senior official of the OAS and husband of Mrs. Fabiola de Chiriboga, member of the Committee, who also participated actively in his capacity as Past President of the Washington DC Board
The official communication of the Liaison Committee with the OAS is channeled through the Department of International Affairs (DAI) of the Secretariat of External Relations (SRE), which advises the Secretary General of the OAS on matters related to civil society organizations. (OSC).
Among the benefits received by CSOs registered with the OAS and approved by the Permanent Council to participate in OAS activities are:
Source: OAS