Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
Photos by Rosie Fontinier Zafra - MRP Chacarilla del Estanque, Peru.
President of the Information and Electronic Liaison Committee of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
Presentation by the Deputy Director General of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables (AMRP), Beatriz Sepe, by Clara Arrascue de Ceballos, President of the National Association of Pan American Round Tables of Peru (ANMRPP).
The Deputy Director General of the AMRP, Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia, addresses the Table Presidents and associates present.
The Deputy General Director of the AMRP, Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia, addresses the Table Presidents and associates present.
The Deputy Director General of the AMRP, Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia, addresses the Table Presidents and associates present.
The Deputy Director General, Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia, accompanied by (Left - Right) the Advisors of the ANMRPP, Esther Lazarte Belapatiño and Yolanda Colmenares de Arriola, Clara Arrascue de Ceballos, President of the ANMRPP, Norma Rios de Flores, Advisor of the AMRP, Carmen Luz Calero de Barrionuevo, Counselor of the AMRP and ANMRPP; Merceces Huaccani Anco, Ex-officio President 2021-2023 and Advisor of the ANMRPP
(Left) of the officials with Rosie Fontinier Zafra, President of the Pan-American Round Table Chacarilla del Estanque and Presenter of the Information and Electronic Link Committee of the AMRP.
(Right) Consuelo García de Piccetti, Zone V Delegate of the AMRP Special Commission on Pan American Integration.
The Deputy Director General of the AMRP, Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia, with the President of the ANMRPP, Clara Arrascue de Ceballos.
Photos by Alicia Gaytan - MRP Baires Porteña, Argentina.
Collaborator of the Information and Electronic Link Committee of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
Work session
Development of the work session via Zoom Platform
Development of the work session via Zoom Platform
Development of the Swearing-in and Closing of the virtual Convention, which was attended by the Alliance Officials: Jani Marichal de Mendoza (General Director), Beatriz Sepe Biscaglia (Deputy General Director), Marta Agüero Abal (Historian), María Eva Muñoz de Manzárraga (Parliamentarian), Elba Bruno (Director of Zone VI) and Counselor Luzmila Barreto de Coquis
Virtual swearing-in of Teresa Calleri de De Gennaro of the MRP Baires Porteña, as President of the National Association of Pan American Round Tables Argentine Republic and Board of Directors 2022-2025
Presentation to Teresa Calleri de De Gennaro of the insignia of President of the National Association of Pan American Round Tables Argentine Republic
Photos by Elena Valencia Dongo, President of the MRP La Molina, Peru.
Inauguration of the LX Convention
Elena Valencia Dongo with
Carmen Robinson Guerra, Advisor to the Alliance and Pan American Woman 2018, María Elena Caldera de Arana, Pan American Woman 2020, the Representative of the Mayor of McAllen Tx and wife.
Work session
Amalia Rodriguez Mendoza, Director of Zone I, María Eva Muñoz de Manzárraga, Parliamentarian of the Alliance, María Elena Caldera de Arana, Pan American Woman 2020 and Jani Marichal de Mendoza, General Director of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
Mourning Day
Carmen Robinson Guerra, Jani Marichal de Mendoza, María Eva Muñoz de Manzárraga, Amalia Rodriguez Mendoza, María Elena Caldera de Arana
Maria Eva Munoz de Manzarraga, Sylvia Williams, Ex-Officio Director of the Pan American Round Table Alliance, Maria Elena Caldera de Arana and Jani Maricha de Mendoza
Texan Night
María Eva Muñoz de Manzárraga, Carmen Robinson Guerra, Sylvia Williams, ExOficio Director of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables and María Elena Caldera de Arana
Closing Ceremony
Maria Eva Munoz of Manzarraga, Jani Marichal of Mendoza, Maria Elena Caldera of Spider and Amalia Rodriguez Mendoza
Photos by Ruben Morales Photography
Invitations and table for the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the MRP Austin
Zone I Director - Amalia Rodriguez Mendoza.
Zone I Director - Amalia Rodriguez Mendoza.
Official Translator of the Alliance and Secretary of State of Texas, Martha Miles Stumbo
Swearing-in of Jani Maricharl de Mendoza of the MRP. Puebla. AC, as General Director of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
First Speech by Jani Marichal de Mendoza as General Director of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables,
The Advisor of the Alliance and Pan American Woman 2014, Fabiola García de Steffanoni, presents Jani Marichal del Mendoza with the medal of General Director of the Alliance of Pan American Round Tables
The members of the MRP. Puebla. AC, they deliver a bouquet of flowers to Jani Marichal de Mendoza.